Monday 9 January 2012



可是,当我看见许多吃素食者高胆固醇,高血压时,我很惋惜。因为他们不了解,食物就 是药的道理。吃得太咸,太甜,太油,就象在吃毒药。

希望发心吃素 的每个人越吃越健康美丽, 也让周围的人了解吃素的好!

Sunday 1 January 2012

Lesson from Teochew Kuey

My sister-in-law loves cooking.  Today she made some fantastic Kuey!  The bean paste was home made.  It was not overwhelmed with sugar and I could taste the beans.  The dough was very soft and almost non-existent as you chewed it.  It was dripping with oil, but luckily the oil was clean and there was no taste of foul smell.  It was really delicious!

I looked that box of Kuey and thought to myself.

In the past, I would gobbled up the entire box of kuey in minutes.  That was how I was.  "Once I exercise, I will burn away my calories.  So I can afford to eat what I want."  That was how I thought in the past.

Yet, few months ago, I went to the other extreme and would have freaked out.  Anything that was fried in oil was a "no" "no" in my current health dictionary.

Today, I took 2 and enjoyed every single mouthful of the paste, the dough and the oil, and saved the rest for others and later.

On hindsight, i think I have crossed the bridges of the many groups of people. 

The one group that think they should just enjoy life and eat to their fill what they like and do nothing to address it.  The other group who think they are exercising, so as long as they walk, eat and sleep. There is nothing wrong with them and they are very healthy. On the other spectrum, there are people who think are overly concerned about health, hypochondriac and not touched anything that is "unhealth".

And I think I enjoyed the kuey better without gobbling down.  Food - our biggest addiction.  Which group do you belong to?